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Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves (R) on Sunday declined to rule out the possibility that his state would ban certain forms of contraception, bypassing questions about what would happen next if Rowe vs. Wade is inverted.
In the state of the Union, CNN Reeves confirmed that if the Supreme Court overturns Rowe vs. Wadethe Mississippi Act of Activation, passed in 2007, will come into force, essentially banning abortions in the state, although it makes exceptions to rape and the mother’s life.
Asked if Mississippi could focus on contraceptives such as Plan B pills or intrauterine devices, Reeves said he said that was not what the state was “focusing on right now.”
“My view is that the next phase of the life movement is focusing on helping those mothers who may have unexpected and unwanted pregnancies,” Reeves said. “And while I’m sure there will be talks in America on the issue [contraceptives]it’s not something we’ve spent a lot of time on. “
Reeves’ comments come days after Republicans in Louisiana proposed a bill that would accuse abortion of murder and grant constitutional rights to a person “from the moment of fertilization.” This language can also limit the use of emergency contraception and other methods that seek to prevent the implantation of a fertilized embryo in the uterus.
On Sunday, Reeves said he thought “life begins with conception,” but repeatedly avoided answering whether he meant the moment of fertilization of the egg or when the embryo attaches to the womb.
“What I’m saying is again that this is a debate that we can have after the actual court has made its decision, once the actual words are on the page,” Reeves said. “We believe that the overturning of deer is the right court decision. So in Mississippi, we don’t have – there are no book laws that could lead to arrests or anything like that. “
While Mississippi’s enacting law banning abortion would include exceptions to rape and the life of the mother, it does not include any exceptions to incest.
Reeves did not directly answer questions about whether incest victims should be forced to carry a child for a period of time.
Reeves is not the only Republican leader to look ahead to what will happen deer can mean for the laws of their conditions. Many are struggling to include exceptions for victims of rape and incest.
In ABC’s This Week, Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson (right) expressed concern about his state’s ban, which makes exceptions for women facing medical emergencies but not rape or incest.
“I always said when I signed the law that I would prefer the exception for rape and incest to be there. And although we have a trigger law, I expect these exceptions to be a significant part of the debate in the future, “Hutchinson said.
Representative Nancy Mace (RS.C.), who supports restrictions on abortion but has said she has been a victim of rape in the past, said she would support legislation that allows abortion for victims of rape and incest.
“When you realize what has happened in your life, the trauma, the emotional, the mental, the physical trauma in a woman’s life, that decision – she has to make that decision with her doctor and between her and her God,” Mace told CBS. “Face the nation.” She noted that South Carolina law includes these exceptions after she spoke about her rape.
The question also prompted Representative Henry Cuelar of Texas, the only Democrat in the House of Representatives against abortion, to clarify his position.
“My faith will not allow me to support a solution that criminalizes teenagers, victims of rape and incest,” Cuelar said in a recent statement. “This same faith will not allow me to support a decision that would make the mother choose between her life and the life of her child.”
IN stunning expiration of the draft opinion of the Supreme Court for annulment deer urged Senate Democrats to hold a vote this week to codify abortion rights in federal law, an effort not expected to garner the 60 votes needed to combat fraud and pass.
“I think the question voters are going to ask is, who should make that decision?” Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) Said on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday. “Should she be a woman and her doctor or politician? Should it be [Sen.] Ted Cruz [(R-Tex.)] making that decision or a woman and her family? Where are women’s equal rights? ”
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (New York), who was among many Democrats who called for the elimination of the filibuster to pass abortion rights legislation with just 50 votes, called it “the biggest battle of a generation”.
“If the people of America – the women and men of America who love them – don’t fight right now, we will lose the fundamental right to make decisions, have bodily autonomy and decide what our future looks like,” Gillibrand told CNN on Sunday. “State of the Union.”
She also said the issue would be on the ballot in the November by-elections.
“We need to make sure that every voter understands that the Republican Party and [Senate Minority Leader] Mitch McConnell [(R-Ky.) do] not to believe that their daughters, that their mothers, that their sisters have the right to make fundamental decisions for life and death, “said Gilibrand. “We are semi-citizens according to this decision. And if this is enacted, it changes the basis of America. “
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