United states

Mississippi governor says his state is not focused on banning certain birth control “now”

“And while I’m sure there will be talks in America on the issue [birth control] “It’s not something we’ve spent a lot of time focusing on,” Reeves told CNN’s Jake Tapper of The State of the Union when asked if his country would consider targeting intrauterine devices and Plan B in the background. of some Republican calls for banning forms During an interview with NBC’s Meet the Press later Sunday, Reeves said he did not think future Mississippi legislation would apply to those who choose to use control of fertility. His comments come amid growing concerns among abortion rights activists after Politico last week announced a draft Supreme Court majority opinion that would remove Rowe against Wade. The opinion is not final and it is possible that the counting of votes will change before a formal opinion is presented later, probably at the end of June.

But lawmakers in both the red and blue states are beginning to draw new battle lines in anticipation of a patchwork system in which abortion rights are no longer protected across the country.

Mississippi is one of 13 states to have passed a so-called “trigger” law, which is ready to take effect almost immediately if Rowe v. Wade is repealed. State law says that within 10 days after the Attorney General confirms that Roe has been revoked, abortions are banned in the state. Limited exceptions are provided in cases of rape or where the procedure would save the mother’s life. Mississippi adopted a separate 15-week ban on abortion in 2018, the source of the case, which is currently before the Supreme Court.

At the federal level, Democrats in the Senate plan to introduce legislation this week to codify abortion rights. The bill, known as the Women’s Health Protection Act, is not expected to be passed, as it will need at least 60 votes to overcome the Republican filibuster. In an evenly divided Senate, this will require 10 Republican senators to vote for the measure, even if all Democrats vote in favor.

Celebrated by abortion advocates and long offended by critics, Rowe v. Wade decided in 1973 to establish a constitutional right to abortion before fetal viability, which most experts say now occurs around 23-24 weeks of pregnancy.

Roe’s overthrow would be the culmination of a decades-long project of conservative legal momentum.

“Each of us stands up, speaks, gathers, marches, talks to our constituents, raises his voice and their stories,” Democrat Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York told Tapper on Sunday. “This is the greatest battle of a generation.”