United states

More evacuations are underway as New Mexico forest fires spread rapidly and the country faces a critical fire threat

Changing winds have spread to the fires in Kalf Canyon and Hermits Peak, which are burning in the northeastern part of the state, according to InciWeb, a centralized source of information on forest fires. The escalation of fires sparked new evacuation orders along the edges of the flames on Monday and forced the relocation of nearly 200 patients from a psychiatric hospital. The two fires burned a total of 120,653 acres and were controlled by 20%, according to an update Monday morning from fire information in New Mexico, requiring evacuation in the areas of Camp Luna and Ash.

The Hermit Peak fire began on April 6 and joined the Calf Canyon fire, which began in late April.

Parts of the state continued to be under critical fire threat on Monday, and an increased level of fire risk was issued for areas around critical fire risk, according to CNN meteorologist Robert Shackleford. On Tuesday, the critical threat is expected to spread to almost all of New Mexico, he said.

About 3,500 people have been evacuated in and around Las Vegas since Monday night over the Calf Canyon fire, according to San Miguel County Governor Joy Ansley. As of Friday, 270 structures had been visibly damaged or destroyed by the fire, including 166 homes, she said. Las Vegas is located about 70 east of Santa Fe, New Mexico.

The Institute of Behavioral Health in Las Vegas began evacuating all 197 of its patients, including adult psychiatrists and children, on Monday morning, the New Mexico Department of Health said.

Acting Health Secretary Dr. David R. Scrias thanked the staff of the facility for their commitment to the safe relocation of patients.

“Many of our carers live in the area that has burned down, and many of them still don’t know if their homes are still standing – yet they put their patients first,” he said.

Several fires are still burning in areas of New Mexico, including the recent blaze fire trap in the southwest, which InciWeb says was first reported on Sunday and has so far covered 1,209 acres.

Other parts of the southwest, including Arizona and Colorado, are also experiencing destruction by wildfires. Small parts of northeastern Arizona and southern Colorado are also expected to face a critical fire threat on Tuesday, according to Shackleford.

CNN’s Paul Murphy and Joe Sutton contributed to this report.