
News of COVID-19 in Ontario: 13 new deaths reported; hospitalizations are falling

Ontario reported 13 net new deaths from COVID-19 on Wednesday as the number of patients in hospital with the virus declined slightly.

The health ministry says 12 of the deaths reported on Wednesday occurred in the last 30 days, and one is from before that period.

One of the 13 deaths involved a resident of the long-term care system.

There have been 72 deaths in the last week and 336 in the last 30 days.

As of March 2020, 12,583 COVID-19 deaths have been confirmed in Ontario.

The number of patients admitted to provincial hospitals with COVID-19 fell by 34 from Tuesday to 1,332.

Of these, 182 were in intensive care, down eight from Tuesday.

Eighty-five patients were breathing with a ventilator, three more a day earlier.

Hospital occupancy on Wednesday still rose by about 24 percent from a week ago.

Provincial laboratories processed 23,618 test samples, generating a positivity rate of at least 17.5 percent.

The province is now working hard to book fourth doses of the COVID-19 vaccine for anyone aged 60 and over, and to distribute the Pfizer Paxlovid antiviral pill to pharmacies in an effort to reduce deaths and hospitalizations during the sixth wave of COVID-19. . .

The health ministry said 38,191 doses of COVID-19 vaccine were given on Tuesday.

Of these, 1174 were first doses, 1854 were second doses, 5211 were third doses and 29 952 were fourth doses.

The numbers used in this story are in the Ontario Department of Health’s daily epidemiological summary COVID-19. The number of cases for each city or region may differ slightly from that reported by the province, as local units report figures at different times.