United states

On January 6, the commission rejected a request for selected documents from Trump’s lawyer

Lawyers for the House of Representatives’ committee to investigate the Capitol riots on January 6, 2021, said Friday they would end their efforts to have nearly 14,000 pages of documents originally sought by conservative lawyer John Eastman.

The legal team of the elected committee of the Chamber said in court documents that after receiving 15,616 pages of documents from Eastman and a consolidated diary highlighting 20,110 pages identified as covered by the privilege of a client lawyer, the commission will reject its requests to transfer 13 929 pages of documents. over.

The commission’s lawyers said their request for a separate 3,236 pages would be postponed, but added that the commission “stands by its objections to the remaining 721 documents, for a total of about 2,945 pages”.

Lawyers for the House’s elected committee have asked the 721 controversial documents to be reviewed by the court, proposing an accelerated briefing schedule if Eastman raises an objection, noting that public hearings will begin next month.

“Without knowing which documents remain in dispute, [Eastman] is unable to offer a position on the continuing need for disclosure, an appropriate briefing schedule, or whether further narrowing of the disputed privileges is possible. [Eastman] will file a quick status in court after receiving Bates’ numbers and a preliminary review of the remaining documents, “Eastman’s lawyers said in a lawsuit received by Politico on Saturday.

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His lawyers added that it was “premature” to ask for a timetable for an accelerated briefing or review of the disputed documents, saying in court documents that while Eastman “will continue to work with defendants to narrow down issues, the possibility remains that new laws could questions remain to be communicated to the Court. “

The development comes when Eastman’s lawyers withdrew requests for privileges to more than 10,000 documents out of more than 37,000 the commission is looking for late last month.

The conservative lawyer is said to have been involved in drawing up plans to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.