
Protest against bras in Rick Chiarelli’s office requires law to remove counsel for misconduct

Colored bras hung in the trees in front of the Ottawa office. Rick Chiarelli in Nepean on Thursday as protesters again called for his removal.

The college’s struggling counselor has faced numerous allegations of harassment since the CBC began telling stories of misconduct, including harassing employees and job applicants to go without a bra to certain work events.

A sixth complainant recently approached the CBC with new allegations, including that Chiarelli launched a weekly campaign in 2014 to pressure her to have oral sex with a stranger in exchange for money, and also made her go to a meeting with potential contact. .

Integrity Commissioner Karen Shepard has launched a formal investigation into the woman’s complaints.

Protesters in front of Chiarelli’s office said Thursday that they want the province to pass legislation allowing municipalities to remove councilors who, like Chiarelli, have been found to have misbehaved.

While an investigation into the latest allegations is ongoing, two previous investigations by the Integrity Commissioner have found that Chiarelli’s behavior qualifies as harassment under the city’s policies.

“These bras here are a bit of a representation of how he’s still there,” said Stephanie Dobbs, a former Chiarelli employee. “Reminding people how ridiculous it is that someone got away with it.”

This is the second protest for hanging a bra for Chiarelli – the first took place in front of the town hall in 2019, after the initial stories broke out. Dobbs, who officially complained about Chiarelli’s behavior at the time, said it was difficult to come to terms with the fact that the adviser had not been removed from office.

Former Rick Chiarelli employee Stephanie Dobbs says the province needs to develop laws that will allow city councils to remove councilors who have been found to have misbehaved. (Francis Ferland / CBC)

The bill on the removal of counsel for misconduct is dying

A bill that would respond to protesters’ demands died earlier this week when the provincial government was dissolved and the provincial election campaign began.

Bill 10, introduced as a private member bill by Orleans MP Stephen Blace – a former colleague of Chiarelli’s in the Ottawa City Council – would allow the removal of councilors who violate the code of conduct by disregarding policies of violence or harassment in the workplace. .

It had only passed a second reading by the time the provincial legislature was dissolved this week.

“It’s very disappointing that we have to fight so hard for something that seems very basic to me,” Dobbs said.

The highest sanction the city’s commissioner of integrity can recommend is a 90-day suspension of pay. In November 2020, the council voted unanimously to give Chiarelli five 90-day suspensions, one for each of the five formal complaints under investigation at the time. He was removed with a salary for a total of 450 days.

The Ottawa City Council called on Chiarelli to resign, but the councilor refused.

WATCH Protesters are hoping for a legislative change as Rick Chiarelli remains in office

Protesters are hoping for a legislative change as Rick Chiarelli remains in office

Stephanie Dobbs, a former Chiarelli employee, and Erin Lee, executive director of the Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women, said they were disappointed that provincial legislation to remove counsel for misconduct had not been passed before the election. 1:02

Need for new rules election issue, say defenders

As the election approaches, defenders say they do not want Bill 10 to be forgotten.

“We want every candidate to say how much he cares about this issue … so that, if elected, he can prioritize it when the session starts,” said Erin Lee, executive director of the Ottawa Coalition for an End to Violence Against Women.

Erin Lee is the executive director of the Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women. (Francis Ferland / CBC)

Lee said he hoped legislation like Bill 10 would go to the province and get unanimous consent.

“We need to make sure that gross acts of violence and abuse are not tolerated. Right now, it’s sending a message that everything is fine, and legislators who abuse it are abusing laws. “