United states

Results of the 2022 Ohio Primary Election

Are there new voting rules or changes to access to ballots in Ohio?

Ohio has not passed any laws to vote after the 2020 election, although a new provision included in the funding bill prohibits local officials from accepting election administration money from NGOs.

Will the reshuffle of the Ohio congressional election be affected?

The Ohio primary is scheduled to run due to technical nuances in a dispute between a committee tasked with redrawing the state’s political maps and the Ohio Supreme Court. The commission twice drew new maps of the state’s 15 congressional districts, and both times the court rejected them as Republican-favoring guerrillas. Although the cards were removed, the US constitution allows the second version to be used for the primary election, as a third proposal will not be ready until after the May 3 primary. Theoretically, the court could later approve another map for the use of elections in 2024. The US Legislative Competition, on the other hand, was removed from the May 3 vote while the court considered disputes over a fourth attempt to redraw these counties. No new date has been set for these elections.

What issues dominate the Ohio campaign?

Inflation and high prices for gas, food and energy are among the main problems affecting voters in Ohio, as well as in other competitions across the country. But in a state in which many of the promises of former President Donald J. Trump to return jobs and companies in the industry failed to realize, the candidates also spent a lot of time trying to win loyal to Trump and white working class voters. In the state race for the Senate seat vacated by Rob Portman, a Republican, a crowded field of high-ranking Republicans focuses on crime, voter fraud and illegal immigration. The leader of the Democratic Party in the Senate race, Tim Ryan, focused on job creation and competition with China.

What can Ohio tell us about the overall history of the interim sessions?

All eyes are on the Republican Senate primary, which will test the support of former President Donald J. Trump among white working-class voters and his role as king in the party. Mr Trump has put his weight behind author and venture capitalist JD Vance, who until recently struggled to break through. – Nick Korasaniti, Michael Wine and Jasmine Uloa