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Babies at risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) can be identified by a biochemical marker, according to a new study published in The Lancet’s eBioMedicine.
SIDS is the unexplained death of a seemingly healthy baby less than a year old, usually during sleep, according to the Mayo Clinic. The CDC reports that SIDS accounted for 37% of infant deaths in the United States in 2019.
Researchers investigating the cause of SIDS at Westmead Children’s Hospital (CHW) in Australia said they had identified the first biochemical marker that could help detect babies more at risk of sudden infant death syndrome while still alive. .
Dr Carmel Harrington, an honorary researcher who leads the study, said the results changed the game. Harrington said the study provides an explanation for SIDS and hopes to prevent deaths related to the mysterious condition.
“A seemingly healthy baby who falls asleep and doesn’t wake up is every parent’s nightmare, and so far there has been absolutely no way to know which baby will give in. But this is no longer the case. We found the first marker that shows vulnerability before death, “Harrington said in a press release.
Doctors welcome a potential breakthrough in the mystery of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). (iStock, file)
According to the study, Australian researchers analyzed levels of a specific enzyme called butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) in 722 dried blood stains (DBS) taken at birth as part of a newborn screening program. They measured BChE levels in babies dying of SIDS and other causes, each compared to 10 surviving babies of the same date of birth and sex.
Researchers found lower levels of BChE in babies who died of SIDS compared to live control groups of babies and other non-SIDS-related deaths, according to the published report.
“We conclude that previously unidentified cholinergic deficiency, identified by abnormal -BChEsa, is present at birth in infants with SIDS and represents a measurable, specific vulnerability before death,” the researchers said.
The study of SIDS can bring researchers closer to solving the health mystery. (iStock, file)
The researchers explained that BChE plays a vital role in the excitation pathway of the brain. They also explained that BChE deficiency probably implies a lack of arousal in infants, which would reduce their ability to wake up or respond to the external environment, making them susceptible to SIDS.
“Babies have a very powerful mechanism to let us know when they are not happy. Usually, if a baby is faced with a life-threatening situation, such as difficulty breathing during sleep because it is on its stomach, they will wake up and cry out. This study shows that some babies do not have the same strong reaction to arousal, “said Harrington.
The doctor noted that the size of the sample was limited. (iStock, file)
Dr Matthew Harris, a pediatrician at Cohen Children’s Medical Center / Northwell Health in Long Island, New York, was not involved in the study, but told Fox News: “The findings are interesting and important. Although the sample size is limited, the study appears to indicate that lower levels of this enzyme are associated with a higher risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Importantly, this can provide both early screening for risk factors during the perinatal period and suggest that scientists and physicians have the opportunity to find an intervention. ”
Harris added: “We are currently investigating dozens of metabolic disorders as part of the neonatal screening process, and if this turns out to be a real link, it could add to the growing list of disorders we can detect early and possibly prevent progression to severe disease. “
Harrington, who not only led the study but also experienced the loss of her own baby from SIDS nearly three decades ago, said in a press release that health experts had not yet known what caused the lack of arousal in infants. “Now that we know BChE is involved, we can start changing the outcome for these babies and making SIDS something of the past.”
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