
Simplified public transport tariff plan in the Montreal area effective July 1

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Everyone who travels on the island will pay the same fee, regardless of which form of transit is used.

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Jason Magder • Montreal Gazette The new fare structure means big savings for West Islanders and regular Exo train users. Photo by Dave Sidway / Montreal Gazette

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Expect this summer: an end to the confusion over paying a train charge in the Montreal area.

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Anyone traveling to the island of Montreal from July 1 will pay the same fare, regardless of which form of transit they use. On the same date, most fares will increase by about two percent in the region, with the exception of single fares, which will remain at $ 3.50 in Montreal, Laval and Longoy.

The region’s transport authorities outlined on Thursday the second phase of their plan to simplify tariffs in the region. The new tariff structure is based in most regions rather than modes of transport. Montreal residents will pay the same price to travel by train, metro, bus or, ultimately, Réseau express métropolitain, as long as they stay on the island. Similar tariffs for all modes of transport are introduced for people outside the island.

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This means big savings for West Islanders and regular Exo train users, as the $ 94 monthly ticket will allow them to use the island’s bus, metro and train. The $ 94 price has risen from $ 90.50 for a monthly OPUS STM pass, as all tariffs will be indexed to offset rising costs for transit operations. It currently costs everyone on the island of Montreal between $ 88.50 and $ 125 per month for a 1-3 train pass to travel by train, while it costs between $ 104 and $ 147 per month for TRAM 1-3 passes to ride both on train and subway.

Regular subway and bus users who ride the train from time to time will no longer have to look at dozens of fare options or have to figure out which area they are traveling to in order to pay a fee. If they are monthly holders of STM OPUS, traveling by city train with Exo within the same area will now be included in the same fare.

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For occasional transit riders, a ticket price of $ 3.50 will buy a trip on any mode of transport on the island, two trips still cost $ 6.50 and a group of 10 trips will cost $ 31.50. Tickets for 24 hours will cost $ 11, three-day tickets will cost $ 21.25, and weekly tickets will cost $ 29.

Riders will pay more off the island.

The new tariff structure divides the region into four zones:

  • A: Montreal
  • B: Laval, Longoy, Brosar, Boucherville and Saint Bruno de Montarville
  • C: North and south coast within the territory of ARTM
  • D: Areas outside ARTM

Consumers can buy passes just to ride within their zones or to ride only on the bus. They can choose to drive all modes within the zones they need. For example, a resident of Laval can buy an AB pass to ride the bus and subway to downtown Montreal. Anyone who stays in Montreal will buy a zone A pass.

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For people traveling between Montreal and Laval / Longay, TRAM 3 passes will be replaced with a zone AB pass at $ 150 per month. Those living or traveling between Montreal and the North and South Coasts can purchase an ABC pass for $ 184, while an ABCD pass covering travel throughout the metropolitan area will cost $ 255.

There are significant savings for casual STM users living outside of Montreal. Currently, residents of Laval and Longueuil pay a single fee of $ 7 to ride the bus in their cities and then use STM or metro buses. This will be reduced to $ 5.25 per tariff for zone AB.

Zone 7 train users already pay $ 9.75. This will be reduced to $ 6.50 per tariff for the ABC zone.

A single fare in the ABCD zone will be $ 9, half of the $ 18.25 it now costs to ride a regional bus, train and then use the STM.

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Although most consumers will not see a significant increase, there is an exception for those who take RTL buses on the Samuel de Champlain Bridge to get between the South Coast and Montreal. They will have to pay $ 50 more per month when these buses are diverted to REM stations on the south coast. However, ARTM has introduced a transition gap that will increase annually for five years to help blunt the bluntness of such a sharp increase. Transition passes, which cover only RTL buses and REM, start at $ 105 per month and will increase by $ 10 each year until they are phased out in 2025.

Michelle Lemay, ARTM’s chief marketing and public relations director, said the goal of harmonizing tariffs is to make it easier to pay and use all types of transit in the region. However, OPUS passes will not be as user-friendly as passes in other major cities, as they cannot be recharged or paid online. Lemay said ARTM is working on a plan that will allow consumers to pay their fees online or on their phones, but it will not be introduced in the short term. There is no schedule for the completion of this project.

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However, not everyone was happy with the announced changes. The Riv-Sud Transport Association issued a statement Thursday condemning the increase in one-time trips to Laval and Longoi for consumers who want to take the subway to Montreal. Under the new structure, it will cost $ 5.25 per unit fare, which includes bus and metro). Currently, if riders just want to use the subway, they can pay $ 3.50 for a fee.

Current fare New fare STM single trip: $ 3.50 1 trip, All modes A *: $ 3.50 STM 24-hour / 747 bus: $ 10.00 24 hours, All modes A: $ 11.00 STM 10 trips: $ 30.00 10 trips, All modes A5 *: STM pass: $ 28.00 Weekly, all modes A: $ 29.00 STM monthly pass: $ 90.50 Monthly, all modes A: $ 94.00 STL / RTL single trip: $ 3.50 1 trip , bus †: $ 3.50 1 trip, TRAM 3: $ 6.25 1 trip: All modes 1 trip $ 5.25 6 trips, TRAM 3: $ 27.00 10 trips, All modes AB: $ 45.00 STL 8 trips: $ 24 , 50 10 trips, Bus †: $ 31.50 RTL 6 trips: $ 19.00 10 trips, Bus: $ 31.00 Monthly ticket: 1 $ TL, 0 hours $ 105.00 RTL monthly card: $ 104.00 Monthly, Bus † : $ 105.00 Monthly TRAIN Zone 3: $ 125.00 Monthly TRAIN 3: $ 133.00 Monthly TRAM Zone 3: $ 147.00 Monthly All AB modes: 1 $ 1

  • All A modes include bus, metro, train and REM travel in Zone A.
  • * Excludes bus travel 747)
  • † Allows bus travel only on most buses in zones A, B or C

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