United states

State institutions cannot be “harassed”

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas said on Friday that government institutions could not be “harassed” to give people the desired result, according to numerous news outlets.

Why it matters: Thomas did not address directly the leak of a draft opinion that would overturn Rowe v. Wade, but he acknowledged that recent developments in the Supreme Court may be one of the symptoms of a judicial system he considers threatened by people who are reluctant to “live with results we disagree with,” according to the Washington Post.

What he says: “We can’t be an institution that can be harassed to give you exactly the results you want. The events of earlier this week are a symptom of that,” Thomas told Reuters at the 11th District Judicial Conference. .

  • He added that he was worried about the “different attitudes of young people”, which he said did not show respect for the law maintained by previous generations.
  • “Recent events have shown this serious change,” said the judge with the longest time in court.
  • Undermining respect for institutions and the rule of law “portends bad for a free society,” he added.

Background: Thomas voted to repel Rowe in 1992 during Planned Parenthood against Casey, according to the AP. He has since repeatedly criticized Roe’s decision.

What to watch: A former Army lawyer will lead the Supreme Court’s investigation into the leak, after Chief Justice John Roberts confirmed the authenticity of the project and called the leak “absolutely horrific.”

It is worth noting: Thomas also faced a recent reaction to what many see as a conflict of interest after his wife, a conservative activist, said she attended a rally on January 6 ahead of the uprising.

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