
Syrian refugee family chosen as the last homeowner in Habitat

A family of five who fled Syria’s civil war for a new life in Canada has been selected as Sault Ste. The newest family of homeowners in Marie and Area (HFHSSMA).

The affordable home to be built on Blake Avenue is “the biggest and biggest thing that will happen” for Ahmad Barakat, who suffered a spinal cord injury and is confined to a wheelchair, the press release said. issued by HFHSSMA.

He and his wife Manal and three young sons, Zen, Zayd and Amir, own homes in the 15th HFHSSMA habitat. The Blake Avenue home is expected to be completed by the end of this year.

The full text of the press release follows:

Habitat for Humanity Sault Ste. Marie and Area (HFHSSMA) is excited to announce the choice of the next family of Habitat homeowners to relocate to their new, fully affordable home on Blake Avenue later this year once it is built.

Ahmad Barakat, along with his wife Manal and three young sons, Zen, Zayd and Amir, will become the organization’s 15 homeowners after a long search for a wheelchair-accessible home.

“We are so excited to partner with the Barakat family to help them buy the affordable and affordable Habitat Home of their dreams. Their resilience and perseverance in their quest to own a home are nothing short of inspiring, ”said Alison Schmidt, vice-chairman of Habitat’s board of directors and chairman of the Family Services Committee.

With the help of the United Nations, Ahmad and his family moved to Canada from Lebanon in 2016. They had fled Syria as refugees from the civil war a few years ago. Ahmad notes that he and his family “worked hard to adjust to life in Canada and learn English.”

Although their two-bedroom apartment is too small for their family of five, Ahmad’s spinal cord injury has made it particularly difficult to find work – and thus obtain a traditional mortgage for a more affordable home.

“We have always dreamed of having our own home to raise our children. [Due to] my health and [our income]I failed to get a mortgage. [It was] it is not easy to find a job as I am in a wheelchair. I finally found a job, but unfortunately I didn’t even get the mortgage we need, and Manal has to take care of the boys. ”

The family’s small apartment is difficult for Ahmad to move in his hand wheelchair, and the family’s three young sons (4, 2 and JK) share a bedroom.

“The current home is very small for three boys,” Ahmad said. “They have to share a small room so they don’t have enough space to play.”

Ahmad notes that over the years, his main focus has been on how to get a home, which has been a frustrating endeavor. Now he says, “[Getting a house from Habitat] it will give us space to think about other things, such as evolving and progressing. ”

The family was excited to learn about their admission to Habitat’s Affordable Housing Program. Ahmad has applied several times over the years, finally meeting the organization’s eligibility requirements for their 2022 Blake Avenue project.

“To everyone [wanting a home and having] many difficulties and challenges, Habitat for Humanity is the best thing to do. No matter how many times [you’ve applied] for that, don’t give up and keep trying, “Ahmad encouraged.

Manal told Habitat that the first thing they will do in their new home is organize a “big party” and invite all their friends, noting that this opportunity is the biggest and greatest thing they will do. it happened to us. “

The Barakat family is looking forward to completing their 500 hours of volunteering at Habitat ReStore – a requirement to purchase their new home.

“I am so pleased that the Barakat family continued to apply for our program, even though it was not selected the first few times. Habitat’s program is designed to support families and individuals who are willing to take responsibility for home ownership but have challenges with traditional lenders. The program’s criteria help ensure that selected families are successful in their property endeavors. It is difficult because everyone deserves a safe home at an affordable price, but not everyone is ready to own and maintain a home. Barakat is ready and Habitat is excited to work with them, ”explains Katie Blunt, CEO.

In partnership with the SalDan Construction Group, Habitat will develop its Blake Avenue building this spring. The home should be completed by the end of 2022.

As a non-profit organization, HFHSSMA relies on the generosity of volunteers, donors and corporate sponsors to achieve its mission. If your business is interested in donating or sponsoring the Blake Avenue building, please contact Chelsea Futcher, Fundraising and Marketing Coordinator, at to discuss this possibility.