United states

The all-private mission of SpaceX astronauts is on its way home after a week of delay

The mission was mediated by Houston, Texas-based startup Axiom Space. The company is reserving missile rides, providing all the necessary training and coordinating flights to the ISS for anyone who can afford it – and hopes this will be the first mission of many more to come. There are four crew members on this flight – Michael Lopez-Allegria, a former NASA astronaut who became Axiom’s officer in charge of the mission; and three paying customers: Israeli businessman Eitan Stibe; Canadian investor Mark Patty; and Ohio-based real estate mogul Larry Connor.

Returning down is considered the most dangerous part of the mission. The Crew Dragon capsule was moving at more than 17,000 miles per hour, and when the last stage of its descent began, the exterior of the Crew Dragon capsule heated to about 3,500 degrees Fahrenheit as it cut back into the thickest part of the Earth’s atmosphere. In the cabin of the spacecraft, the passengers were protected by a heat shield and the temperature had to remain below 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Crew Dragon then deployed sets of parachutes as he descended into the Atlantic Ocean. Rescue teams are now waiting near the spray site to retrieve the spacecraft from the ocean and board a special boat called the Dragon’s Nest, where final safety checks will be carried out before the crew disembarks.

The AX-1, which launched on April 8, was initially declared a 10-day mission, but was eventually extended to about 17 days, 15 of which were spent on the ISS. During its first days on the space station, the group adhered to a regulated schedule that included about 14 hours a day of activities, including research developed by various research hospitals, universities, technology companies and more. They also spent time holding informational events via video conference with children and students. The delays after that gave them “a little more time to absorb the spectacular views of the blue planet and review the vast amount of work that was successfully completed during the mission,” according to Axiom. It is not clear how much this mission costs. Axiom previously revealed a $ 55 million price on the spot for a 10-day trip to the ISS, but the company declined to comment on financial terms for the particular mission, except to say at a news conference last year that the price was “in the tens of millions.” The mission was made possible by very close coordination between Axiom, SpaceX and NASA, as the ISS is funded and managed by the government, and the space agency has revealed some details about how much it charges for using its 20-year orbital laboratory.

For each mission, the necessary support from NASA astronauts will cost commercial customers $ 5.2 million, and all the support and planning for the mission that NASA provides is another $ 4.8 million. While in space, food alone costs about $ 2,000 a day. Delivering supplies to and from the space station for a commercial crew is another $ 88,000 to $ 164,000 per person per day.

But the extra days spent by the AX-1 crew in space due to the weather will not contribute to their personal total cost, according to a NASA statement.

“Knowing that the goals of the International Space Station mission, such as a recent Russian spacewalk or meteorological challenges, could lead to delayed decoupling, NASA has contracted a strategy that does not require reimbursement for additional delays in detachment,” the statement said. .

The AX-1 was not the first time paying customers or otherwise non-astronauts have visited the ISS, as Russia has sold seats on its Soyuz spacecraft to various wealthy thrill seekers in recent years.

But the AX-1 was the first with a crew entirely of private individuals, with no active members of the government corps of astronauts who accompanied them in the capsule during the voyage to and from the ISS. This is also the first time private citizens have traveled to the ISS in a US-made spacecraft.

The mission has launched another round of debates over whether people who pay for space travel should be called “astronauts”, although it should be noted that traveling to the ISS requires much more investment than ever before. and more money than taking a short suborbital trip with a rocket created by companies like Blue Origin or Virgin Galactic. Lopez-Allegria, a veteran of four space trips between 1995 and 2007 during his time at NASA, said: “This mission is very different from what you may have heard in some of the recent ones – especially suborbital – missions. We are not space tourists. I think it has an important role to play in space tourism, but Axiom is not about it. ” The Association of Space Researchers, an international group of astronauts from 38 countries, Lopez-Allegria presented Stib, Patti and Connor with their pins during a welcoming ceremony after the group arrived at the space station.