United states

Tori Lanes detained for Weed, released at Las Vegas airport

Tori Lanes may be lucky in Vegas – he’s still partying there after a lawsuit … because of the TSA marijuana allegedly found in his bag.

TMZ has learned that Tori was stopped at a Las Vegas airport on Sunday morning – where he was trying to board a flight out of town – and according to law enforcement sources … a TSA agent found a “large” amount of ganja in one from his bags.

We were told that the TSA had temporarily detained him, but eventually released him … without hiding, of course. The feds hold this. While marijuana is legal in Nevada, it is not yet legal at the federal level … and that means you can’t fly it.

Tori doesn’t let this little problem with the law ruin his weekend. Since he probably missed his outbound flight, he has turned this into a business opportunity … and now he will be on stage on Sunday night for a show at Drai’s.

If he wants to inflate in advance, someone will have to inflate … because Tori doesn’t understand!

As for other legal implications, our sources say the investigation is ongoing, so it may be cited … but the reality is that the federal government is not prosecuting very petty marijuana crimes these days.