
Wild, poultry avian influenza in BC: update

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has confirmed that a small flock of poultry in the Central Kutenai region has tested positive for the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1.

BC’s Ministry of Agriculture and Food continues to work closely with the CFIA and poultry producers in BC to ensure that enhanced prevention and preparedness measures are in place to protect poultry flocks in BC

The infected premises have been quarantined by the CFIA and the ministry has notified the manufacturers within a radius of 12 kilometers of the positive test results.

Owners of small herds or backyard herds are urged to remain vigilant and take appropriate preventive measures. Measures include eliminating or reducing the ability of poultry to encounter wild birds, reducing human access to the flock and intensifying cleaning, disinfection and disinfection of all things (including clothing and footwear) when entering areas where flocks are housed.

In addition, seven wild birds that died between 20 and 27 April also tested positive for H5 strains of avian influenza. The seven include three snow geese and a Canadian goose in the Vanderhoof area, as well as individual bald eagles from Lac la Hache (near the 100 Mile House), Bowen Island and Vancouver. These cases follow a similar finding in a bald eagle in the Delta this month and one in Vancouver in February.

These findings were reported through the BC Wildlife Mortality Monitoring Program, which collects samples from sick and dead birds, as well as samples from sediments from wetlands where birds are collected. The oversight is in partnership between federal and provincial agencies and the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative.

Avian influenza is a federally regulated disease. The CFIA leads the investigation and response with provincial support for testing, mapping, monitoring and disposal.

Find out more:

Information from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food on avian influenza, including what to look out for, resources for small flock owners, orders from the Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer and information on testing: gov / content / industry / agriculture-seafood / animals-and-crops / animal health / notifiable diseases / bird flu-ai

Information from the CFIA on the current state of avian influenza in Canada: -avian – / eng / 1640207916497/1640207916934

Information on CFIA on avian influenza:

For more information:

The following contact information can be found on the website provided by the Ministry, but is provided here for quick access:

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of BC provides diagnostic services for commercial and small flocks of poultry. Call 1 800 661-9903 to report unexplained bird diseases or deaths.

Owners of small herds and backyard herds with general inquiries should call the small herd and backyard herd hotline 1 604 855-8255.

The Wild Bird Mortality Investigation Hotline 1 866 431-2473 accepts public reports of dead wild birds.