The last: Ukrainian authorities say they have launched a missile strike on a Russian warship that Russia says has already sunk. Russian troops are regrouping...
Category - World News
Le coût de construction de la nouvelle version du projet de tunnel entre le centre de Québec et Lewis est maintenant estimé à 6,5 milliards de dollars et sa...
Frankfurt schockierte Barcelona mit den blauen Nachrichten im Camp Nou Europa League: Frankfurt verdrängt Barcelona sensationell aus der BLICK Sport Europa...
A Palestinian lawyer and teenager were killed on the fifth day of Israeli attacks in the West Bank following deadly attacks on the Jewish state amid heightened...
GLANDAL, Arizona (3TV / CBS 5) “Glendale police say the domestic violence call turned into a long-running confrontation and ended in a shooting involving...
The oligarch, described as Roman Abramovich’s “right-hand man”, was sanctioned along with Chelsea’s director with a £ 10 billion asset...
Toronto police are investigating after the bodies of 10 puppies were found in a parking lot in Scarborough on Thursday morning. Police say they were called to...
Le Conseil constitutionnel a constaté des irrégularités et annulé 1 479 suffrages exprimés dans le plus grand bureau de vote de Toulouse. Article écrit par...
Angesichts der Tatsache, dass die Wintersaison 2021/22 noch stark von den Einschränkungen durch die Pandemie geprägt war, fällt die Bilanz recht positiv aus...
Russia has threatened to deploy nuclear weapons in the Baltic states if Finland and Sweden join NATO. Lithuania has scoffed at the threat, as it is already...